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Therapy For Abused And Neglected Children

February 21, 2024 • Kelly Montgomery

Black eyes are not the only sign of child abuse. While the scars left by physical abuse are horrifying, not all indications of abuse against kids are as visible. A child may suffer severe, lifelong trauma from acts such as ignoring their needs, placing them in unsafe, unattended instances, exposing them to inappropriate sexual activities, or giving them reasons to feel unworthy or foolish.



Serious emotional harm is the outcome, regardless of the manner of abuse. However, assistance is offered. It is crucial to report any suspicions you have that a kid is being abused or neglected. Early intervention can assist both the kid and the abuser in receiving the support they require.

It is crucial to understand how to react, and the data points to the potential efficacy of the following interventions for kids and teenagers. Provide an option and describe each intervention’s purpose and potential benefits to focus on preventing child abuse. Only some techniques will work for everyone; thus, an in-depth evaluation should guide the decision.

Effects Of Child Abuse And Neglect

The child abuse resource center professionals believe that there are long-lasting effects from all forms of abuse and neglect. Some of these wounds may be physiological, but emotional trauma can cause lifelong damage that affects a kid’s ability to perform at home, at work, and in school, as well as their perception of oneself and future healthy relationships.

Poor Trust And Relationship Issues

Who can you trust without your parents? Without this basis, knowing who to depend on or how to build trust is extremely challenging. Adult relationship maintenance may become challenging as a result. The adult’s lack of understanding of a healthy and beneficial relationship can also result in dysfunctional partnerships. In adolescent psychiatry, these are the common issues these kids face.

Crucial Sentiments Of Being “Worthless”

It can be rather challenging to get over basic beliefs of worthlessness if you were repeatedly told as a kid that you are unintelligent or unworthy. Children who have experienced verbal abuse may grow up to disregard education and academic opportunities or take low-paying occupations because they don’t think they deserve better. Because of the negative connotation and humiliation associated with the abuse, survivors frequently experience a sense of being ruined.

Emotional Regulation Issues: Those who have experienced child maltreatment are unable to appropriately communicate their feelings. Consequently, feelings become suppressed and manifest inadvertently. Child abuse or neglect survivors may have unexplainable anxiety, stress, despair, or rage. They might use drugs or alcohol to block off the hurt emotions.

Recognizing The Different Types Of Child Abuse

Although abusive behavior and neglect can take many different forms, all of them have an emotional impact on a kid. A child who experiences abuse—whether it takes the form of a slap, a critical remark, dead silence, or uncertainty about whether food will be on the table—ends up feeling frightened, abandoned, and alone.

Emotional Abuse

Despite what some people may think, emotional abuse and harsh words can seriously harm the psychological well-being of a kid and social growth. Frequent denigration, humiliation, and calling names are a few instances of emotional abuse. Some additional instances involve convincing a kid that they’re “bad,” “useless,” “no good,” or “a mistake.” Other behaviors that can lead to emotional abuse include rejecting or disregarding a child as a form of discipline, providing silent treatment, restricting physical contact—no kisses, hugs, or other expressions of affection—and subjecting a kid to acts of violence against other people, such as against a brother or sister, another parent, or even a pet.

Child Neglect

A common kind of child abuse is neglect, which is the practice of not meeting a kid’s fundamental requirements, such as enough food, clothing, supervision, or sanitation. It’s not always simple to identify child abuse. A parent may occasionally lose the ability to care for their child emotionally or physically. Examples of this include severe illness or injury, untreated sadness or anxiety, and untreated anxiousness. In other instances, abusing drugs or alcohol can dramatically impair judgment and one’s capacity to protect a child. The youngster never knows what will irritate their parent. No regulations or boundaries are evident. The child is always cautious as to never knowing what will make their parents decide to give up on them.



Physical Abuse

Here, the child is being physically harmed or injured. It could be from overly harsh physical penalties or a purposeful attempt to cause damage to the youngster. A large number of parents who abuse their children physically maintain that their acts are only meant to teach their children good behavior. Physical abuse and the administering of physical retribution as a form of discipline. However, they are very different. When abusive parents use beatings to “keep their child in line,” they are teaching their children how to protect themselves from getting struck and deal with other’s harm, not how to behave or develop as people. Abusive parents may think that their kids must fear them in order for them to obey.

Sexual Abuse

Due to the layers of shame and guilt associated with child sexual abuse, it is an extremely complex kind of abuse. It’s critical to understand that not all cases of sexual abuse have physical contact. Regardless of whether a physical encounter takes place, sexual abuse occurs when a child is exposed to sexual settings or content. Shame and remorse plague children who have experienced sexual assault frequently. They can believe that they caused the sexual assault or are somehow accountable for it. They can believe they caused the mistreatment or are somehow accountable. As they get older, it can cause issues with relationships, sexuality, and self-loathing. Kids find it extremely difficult to come out because of the shame associated with sexual abuse. They can be concerned that their family will become estranged, that people won’t believe them, or that they’ll get furious with them.

Therapy For Child Abuse And Neglect

Individuals or kids who have been neglected can get assistance from a number of institutions. Kids in need can access various supportive mental health services nationwide from government organizations, social services and health providers, and psychological specialists. These needs can be validated through first priority on home visits. Negligent guardians are worked with using a variety of therapeutic modalities designed for victims or children of neglect. Using this medical care method, you can ensure that the neglect stops.

Several protective factors of different therapy approaches can successfully address neglect-related problems. Among these are:

Group Therapy

Studies have indicated that group therapy works well for rehabilitating children who have been mistreated or abused. Those who have been neglected have the opportunity to speak about their experience with others who have gone through similar experiences in group therapy. This kind of interaction serves to normalize and reduce stigma and any sentiments of guilt or powerlessness the kids may be feeling. The goals of group therapy are to promote better social functioning, enhance adjustment, and foster care and deeper connections between individuals, in addition to reducing signs and symptoms, including signs of depressive disorder and low motivation.

Trauma-Informed Care

When working with neglected children, trauma-informed care is frequently employed. Usually, this means that the caregiver needs to have a thorough awareness of the kind of trauma the patient or children have. Other essential components of trauma-informed therapy for neglect include security, reverence, letting the sufferer of neglect run the show, and emphasizing the victim’s assets. In addition to enhancing patient involvement, adherence to treatments, well-being of the caregiver, and wellness, trauma-informed care recognizes the necessity of comprehending the life events of a child in order to give successful care.

Structural Family Therapy

Structured family therapy has been shown to be a successful child parent psychotherapy treatment for neglect that results from dysfunctional and problematic family relationships. With an aim to meet the requirements of all family members as well as those of the individual, this type of treatment aims at satisfying the demands of each member individually and assists the family in discovering new coping mechanisms. Structural family therapists approach the family unit as a system and strive to enhance communication within the family as well as promote changes to the norms that guide its operations.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

In cases when abuse of children, especially neglect, has occurred, PCIT has been demonstrated to reduce the likelihood of future abuse or neglect, parental anxiety, and behavioral problems in children. In order to change detrimental caregiver habits, the method focuses on particular parent-child interaction dynamics. The foundation for developing interpersonal abilities, social skills, and emotional management is a warm, supportive connection, which the parent facilitates with the assistance of attachment theory principles applied in PCIT.



Art Therapy

Young children who have been the victims of child neglect could benefit, especially from art therapy. Art therapy engages the right brain and gives kids nonverbal means of expressing themselves, which can assist in stimulating brain growth in situations where abuse and the trauma that goes along with it may damage a child’s development. Through engaged art-making, the creative method applies psychological knowledge that allows kids to cope emotionally and the way humans function within a psychotherapy relationship, art therapy mental health treatment is a field of mental health care that improves the lives of people, families, and communities.

Final Thoughts And Takeaways

Not all child abuse and neglect have overt indications of danger. But you can significantly impact a kid’s life if you can identify the warning signals of a problem. The kind of abuse determines how a child is treated, whether they are abused or neglected. The kid’s security must be the primary concern, which may entail contacting social assistance or the police department so the youngster can be removed to a secure location.

Therapy needs to be provided by qualified experts who concentrate on enhancing relationships, reliable and caring care giving, defined limitations, secure and secure connections, and positive development, regardless of the selected type of support.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Abused Children Can Be Helped?

How Does Abuse Affect Child Development?

How Should You Handle A Child Telling You About Abuse Or Neglect?

How Do You Come To Terms With An Abused Child?

How Can We Overcome The Effects Of Abuse?

How Do You Treat Childhood Neglect?

How Does Child Neglect Affect A Child?

What Type Of Therapy Is Best For Childhood Neglect?

How Do You Help A Child Who Feels Neglected?

Can You Be Emotionally Neglected As A Child?

How Does Being Neglected As A Child Affects Adulthood?

How Do You Recover From Childhood Emotional Trauma?

Can Childhood Neglect Cause Depression?

How Do You Overcome Emotional Deprivation?

How Do You Know If Your Child Is Emotionally Neglected?

The Effects Of Alcoholism On Marriage

February 21, 2024 • Kelly Montgomery

Marriage and alcoholism are a difficult combination that can be very difficult to manage without expert assistance. Because addiction causes its sufferer to put alcohol above all else, it damages relationships in many ways. Alcohol has an impact not only on how long an intimate relationship lasts but also on who marries and when.



It seems unfair for somebody to be obsessed with becoming drunk when they have committed to sharing their house, money, and emotional lives with the person they love. Nonetheless, the spouse needs to realize that partner’s alcoholism is a sickness rather than a decision. We can’t just tell someone to cut back on their alcohol consumption. It is therefore advisable to get expert assistance as soon as possible. If not, your partnership will probably be marred by disagreement, hatred, and health problems.

How Alcoholism Impacts Your Life

When you have an alcohol use disorder, it is extremely difficult to perform tasks necessary for survival. The phrase “functioning alcoholic” is not accurate. It is just not practicable to keep up well while one is an alcoholic. Alcoholism has a detrimental effect on numerous aspects of your life, including budgets, the time, or the energy to care for your family member and your demands.

Drinking alcohol may have started as you thought it would make you feel less stressed or less depressed or anxious. Overindulging more alcohol can eventually lead to further stress in your life and worsen the signs of any psychological problems that you may be having. Alcohol dependence develops into addiction. Your alcohol use disorder will badly impact friends, coworkers, and even close family members. Thus, it will have a knock-on effect.

Negative Effects of Alcoholism on Marriage

Physical Health Problems

Obviously, drinking too much alcohol can have negative effects on your overall wellness. Abuse of alcohol has negative effects on brain function, digestion, and weight and raises your likelihood of developing a number of cancers. This may affect both married couples‘ quality of life and the family’s overall well-being. Chronic diseases, stroke, coronary artery disease, kidney failure, fatty liver, high blood pressure, and digestive issues are just a few of the major issues that can arise from long-term alcohol abuse.

Detachment And Emotional Unavailability

Alcohol is frequently thought of as a social network enhancer. But binge drinking excessively can also lead to a disengagement from relationships. Usually, only the wife has issues with a husband who has a substance use disorder. An alcoholic is not available emotionally because they are too busy looking for their next fix, are depressed and worn out, and choose bad paths. The fact that alcohol distorts their thinking makes it difficult to establish emotional contact with them. The neurotransmitters or chemical messengers in your brain are altered by alcohol heavy drinking, and loss of memory is a common occurrence for heavy drinkers. When a person drinks alcohol to dull their emotions and forgets parts of the day, it might be difficult to feel associated with them.


Reduced Interest In Personal Hygiene

If someone drinks a lot, they could start to lose interest in their appearance. This could lead to a drop in their level of personal hygiene, a lack of concern for their appearance or how they appear, a failure to maintain their physical fitness, and a host of other issues. Alcoholics typically don’t physically show themselves well to others because they aren’t self-aware. Inadequate sanitation and cleanliness lead to health issues in addition to detrimental social effects of alcohol problems. Illness and disease can arise from poor hygiene. In addition to leading to bullying, insecurity, and low self-esteem, hygiene issues can also result in social rejection.

Loss Of Interest In Activities

Drinking too much alcohol can sap your vitality and energy. And it can worsen depressive symptoms. As negative outcomes, you may become less willing to engage in activities or hobbies you used to enjoy. A decrease in motivation is another important factor to watch out for. You could find it difficult to stay motivated in the workplace or lose passion in activities you used to love. Alcohol has the power to lower inhibitions and cause you to act differently than you usually would. It can cause you to lose sight of your dedication and enthusiasm and give you the impression that you are not performing well enough.

Changes In Attitude

Excessive alcohol use may cause either of the partners to become more ill or challenging to be around. Someone’s “filter” may be lowered by alcohol, resulting in a less polite and considerate speaking manner. Not only can this be upsetting, but in more severe cases, it can escalate into verbal assault and jeopardize the other spouse’s self-worth. Having negative interactions with an “enraged drunk” can become taxing, even if the remarks aren’t meant to be aimed at one’s spouse. These deficiencies could make it appear as though resentment is the only appropriate response in particular circumstances rather than allowing one to consider alternate, more rational responses.

Less Fulfilling Sex Life

While drunkenness might occasionally heighten a person’s desire for sex in a given instance, it can also reduce vaginal lubrication and raise the risk of erectile dysfunction (ED). Long-term alcohol disorder can also lower sexual desire, make it more difficult for women to experience orgasms, and lower the intimacy or sexual satisfaction that all genders get from sexual experiences. One may find it difficult to ejaculate (come) or may release too quickly after drinking a much. Excessive alcohol drinking damages a person’s erotic performance and leaves them in a frame of consciousness that makes real emotional connection impossible.

Problems At Work

A person’s performance at work may suffer if they begin to exhibit signs of infidelity after drinking. Due to hangovers, they might regularly call in ill, arrive late for work, or not at all. Additionally, if they are intoxicated while at work, they might even endanger their colleagues. The financial impact of a spouse’s alcohol-drinking habit on the family might lead to job loss or reduced income, family conflict, and ultimately exacerbate the pressure on the marriage. Alcohol use can also impair an employee’s ability to concentrate and coordinate their task. Productivity declines as part of the worse outcomes, which affects corporate goals and job objectives.

Irresponsibility And Unreliability

An individual may grow more careless and untrustworthy as their alcohol dependence worsens. They might occasionally finish duties or need to fulfill their family responsibilities. A long-term relationship depends on your feeling that you can rely on your spouse for support. Your social connections may suffer if it deteriorates since people may believe that you are incapable of maintaining a romantic connection, higher marital satisfaction, or a healthy commitment with your marital partner.



Compared to the nondrinking general population, spouses with one drinker have much greater rates of cheating or infidelity. Alcohol should not be held responsible for cheating, but studies indicate that an issue with drinking is associated with greater rates of extramarital sex. Due to all of the reasons mentioned earlier, too much alcohol drinking might impair one’s ability to make decisions in the heat of the moment and decrease relationship happiness. This could make adultery seem more tempting or difficult to avoid. Alcohol damages important brain areas linked to decision-making, which is why someone abstaining from alcohol might think about having a sexual relationship outside the marriage. They might be more inclined to carry out this idea once they take drugs or drink.
Intimate Partner Violence
A decrease in mental and physical abilities that hinder self-control is one of the significant repercussions of alcohol consumption, and this has the knock-on effect of lessening the capacity for peaceful conflict resolution. Alcohol usage is a significant factor in intimate partner violence, which is characterized as emotional, physical, psychological, or sexual abuse. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this is particularly true when ingested in excessive amounts. Overindulgence in alcohol can have negative effects on a person’s judgment, weaken inhibitions, and raise the likelihood of aggressive behaviors. In addition to affecting behavior and state of mind, these disturbances might impair one’s ability to think coherently and proceed with coordination.

Legal Problems

Alcohol misuse can lead to a spouse making bad judgments, such as damaging property, using violence or physical aggression, operating a vehicle while intoxicated, and engaging in other unlawful activities. If someone is having financial trouble to support their addiction, they can even turn to illegal means of getting alcohol. Any of these could have legal repercussions that could last up to nine years. It has been established that alcohol use leads to significant long-term health issues and is connected to a number of unpredictable and perhaps catastrophic events in society.

Fertility Issues

Overindulging in alcohol can reduce a married couple’s possibility of becoming parents. Frequent excessive alcohol consumption can lower female fertility through ovarian function changes known as amenorrhea and anovulation, as well as by interfering with the cycles of menstruation and ovulation. Excessive alcohol use can sometimes affect women, making it more difficult for them to become and remain pregnant. It can also increase the chance of fetal disorders and other birth difficulties. However, alcohol affects how well men’s testicular Sertoli cells operate, which is crucial for the development of sperm.

Mental Health Problems

There can be more serious problems going on underneath mood swings. Research indicates that while some individuals may use alcohol as a coping mechanism for anxiety and depression, it frequently worsens these psychological symptoms. In fact, because binge drinking changes brain chemistry, it can even induce feelings of panic and hopelessness in situations where none previously existed. The interpersonal relationship between two couples may be significantly impacted if one or both of them battle with alcohol use disorders. Regardless of your current state of mind, chemical changes in the brain can quickly result in an increase in negative emotions like anger, despair, or worry.


Alcohol abuse disorder can harm a marriage if it is not treated. Issues between spouses can range from emotional distance and shifts in behavior to domestic violence and legal troubles. Children can be impacted by excessive drinking and are more likely to face comparable problems as a result. Couples can combine alcohol therapy with marriage counseling to avoid divorce and its aftereffects. Note that there’s very little research that supports alcohol as a stress reliever, so don’t go into that ideal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why Do People Use Alcohol To Cope With Stress?

How Does Alcohol Affect Your Marriage?

Why Do People Rely On Alcohol?

What Are The Four Types Observed In Wives Of A Heavy Drinker?

How Does Alcohol Affect Relationships?

How Does Alcohol Affect Your Relationships With Your Family?

Does Alcohol Make Couples Fight?

How Does Alcohol Affect Friendships?

What Are The Effects Of Alcoholism On Interpersonal Relationships?

Can Alcohol Use Cause Strained Relationships Among Family And Friends?

Is It Good For Couples To Drink Together?

Is drinking with your partner good?
Why does my boyfriend change when he drinks?
Why do I get upset when my boyfriend drinks?
Why does my partner get mean when they drink?

Building Resilience in Children: The Benefits of Therapy

January 15, 2023 • Kelly Montgomery

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and difficult situations. It is a vital trait for children to develop, as it enables them to cope with the challenges of growing up and thrive in the face of adversity. One of the most effective ways to build resilience in children is through therapy. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of therapy for building resilience in children, and how it can help them navigate the challenges of life.

What is Resilience in Children?

Resilience in children refers to the ability to cope with stress and adversity, maintain a positive outlook, and bounce back from difficult situations. Children who are resilient are better able to handle setbacks and challenges, and are more likely to succeed in life. Children are not born with resilience, but rather a skill that can be developed and strengthened over time.

The Importance of Building Resilience in Children

Building resilience in children is crucial for their emotional well-being and overall development. Children who are resilient are less likely to develop mental health issues such as anxiety and depression, and are more likely to succeed in school and in their future careers. Resilient children also have better relationships and are better able to handle stress and adversity.

How Therapy Can Help Build Resilience in Children

Therapy is an effective tool for building resilience in children. Through therapy, children can learn to cope with stress and adversity, develop positive coping strategies, and build self-esteem and confidence.

Therapy can also help children understand and process their emotions, which is important for building resilience. Children who are able to understand and manage their emotions are better able to cope with difficult situations and bounce back from setbacks.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a type of therapy that is particularly effective for building resilience in children. CBT helps children change negative thought patterns and behaviors, and teaches them coping skills and problem-solving strategies.

Play therapy is another effective form of therapy for children. Play therapy is a form of therapy that uses play as a medium for communication and healing. Play therapy allows children to express themselves and explore their emotions in a safe and non-threatening environment.

Benefits of Therapy for Building Resilience in Children

  1. Improved coping skills: Through therapy, children learn effective coping strategies for dealing with stress and adversity.
  2. Increased self-esteem and confidence: Therapy helps children develop a positive self-image and build self-esteem and confidence.
  3. Better emotional regulation: Therapy helps children understand and manage their emotions, which is crucial for building resilience.
  4. Improved problem-solving skills: Therapy teaches children problem-solving strategies and encourages them to take an active role in finding solutions to problems.
  5. Greater understanding of themselves and others: Therapy provides children with a safe space to explore their feelings and emotions, and to understand their thoughts and behaviors.

Opportunities For Resilient Children

Children who are resilient have many opportunities ahead of them. Here are a few examples:

  1. Educational opportunities: Resilient children are more likely to succeed in school and have better academic outcomes. They are better able to handle setbacks and challenges, and are more likely to persevere in the face of difficulties.
  2. Career opportunities: Resilient children are better able to cope with stress and adversity, which can be beneficial in a variety of careers. They are also more likely to have better mental health and be more productive in the workplace.
  3. Relationship opportunities: Resilient children tend to have better relationships with others. They are better able to handle conflicts and difficult situations and are more likely to have positive relationships with friends and family.
  4. Life opportunities: Resilient children are more likely to be able to handle the stress and challenges of life and have a more positive outlook. They are also more likely to be successful in achieving their goals and aspirations. Given that the educational system does not focus on the real-life challenges, having resilient children will definitely give them an edge in handling the real world.
  5. Emotional opportunities: Resilient children are better able to understand and regulate their emotions, which can help them build healthier relationships, make better decisions, and feel more satisfied and fulfilled in life.

It’s important to note that these opportunities will not be present to every child who is resilient. It will still vary depending on the environment and the community surrounding the child.


Building resilience in children is crucial for their emotional well-being and overall development. Therapy is an effective tool for building resilience in children, as it helps them cope with stress and adversity, develop positive coping strategies, and build self-esteem and confidence. Through therapy, children learn to understand and manage their emotions, which is crucial for building resilience. As a parent, it’s important to consider therapy for your child if you feel that they need support in developing resilience. It’s essential to develop resilience early on than wait until adulthood.

Therapy for Youth: The Key to Unlocking Their Full Potential

January 15, 2023 • Kelly Montgomery

As parents, educators, and caregivers, we all want to see our young people succeed in life. However, many young people today are facing a range of mental health challenges that can impede their ability to reach their full potential. Fortunately, therapy can be an effective tool for helping young people overcome these challenges and unlock their full potential.

What are some common mental health challenges facing youth today?

One of the most common mental health challenges facing youth today is anxiety. Based on the data from the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental health disorders among children and adolescents, affecting around 25% of youth aged 13-18. Anxiety can manifest in a variety of ways, such as excessive worry, fear, or avoidance of certain situations.

Another common mental health challenge facing youth is depression. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 20% of adolescents globally experience some form of depression. Depression can manifest as feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and a lack of interest in activities that were once enjoyable.

How can therapy help youth overcome mental health challenges?

One of the most effective ways therapy can help youth overcome mental health challenges is by teaching them coping mechanisms. For example, a therapist may teach a young person with anxiety techniques for managing their worry, such as deep breathing exercises or mindfulness. This can help the young person feel more in control of their anxiety and reduce the impact it has on their daily life.

Therapy can also help youth understand and process their emotions. This is especially important for young people dealing with depression, who may not be able to identify the source of their sadness or hopelessness. A therapist can provide a safe and supportive space for a young person to explore their feelings and develop a deeper understanding of themselves.

Another way therapy can help youth is by providing a sounding board for their thoughts and feelings. Many young people today have few adults they can confide in. A therapist can be a non-judgmental and objective listener, which can be invaluable for a young person who is struggling emotionally.

What are some different types of therapy that can be helpful for youth?

There are many different types of therapy that can be helpful for youth. Some of the most common include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): This type of therapy focuses on changing negative thoughts and behaviors that may be contributing to a young person’s mental health challenges.
  • Interpersonal therapy (IPT): This type of therapy focuses on helping a young person understand and improve their relationships with others.
  • Family therapy: This type of therapy involves working with a young person and their family to address any issues that may be impacting the young person’s mental health.
  • Group therapy: This type of therapy involves working with a group of young people who are dealing with similar mental health challenges.

How Can We Tap On Youth’s Potential Through Therapy

Therapy can be a powerful tool for helping young people tap into their full potential. By addressing mental health challenges, such as anxiety and depression, and providing coping mechanisms and a safe space for exploring emotions, therapy can help young people develop the skills and understanding they need to thrive.

One of the key ways therapy can help young people tap into their potential is by teaching them coping mechanisms for managing their mental health challenges. For example, a therapist may teach a young person with anxiety techniques for managing their worry, such as deep breathing exercises or mindfulness. This can help the young person feel more in control of their anxiety and reduce the impact it has on their daily life.

Therapy can also help young people understand and process their emotions. This is especially important for young people dealing with depression, who may not be able to identify the source of their sadness or hopelessness. A therapist can provide a safe and supportive space for a young person to explore their feelings and develop a deeper understanding of themselves.

Another way therapy can help young people tap into their potential is by providing a sounding board for their thoughts and feelings. Many young people today have few adults they can confide in. A therapist can be a non-judgmental and objective listener, which can be invaluable for a young person who is struggling emotionally.

In addition, therapy can also help young people improve their relationships with others. Interpersonal therapy (IPT) is a type of therapy that focuses on helping a young person understand and improve their relationships with others. This can be especially helpful for young people who may be struggling with social anxiety, or who may be having difficulty connecting with others.

Furthermore, family therapy is another type of therapy that can be beneficial for young people. It involves working with a young person and their family to address any issues that may be impacting the young person’s mental health. This type of therapy can help young people understand how their family dynamics may be impacting their mental health, and give them the tools they need to communicate more effectively with their family members.

Lastly, group therapy is another type of therapy that can be helpful for young people. It involves working with a group of young people who are dealing with similar mental health challenges. This can provide a sense of community and support for young people who may be feeling isolated or alone in their struggles.

Overall, therapy can be an effective tool for helping young people tap into their full potential. By addressing mental health challenges, providing coping mechanisms, and a safe space for exploring emotions, therapy can help young people develop the skills and understanding they need to thrive.


Mental health challenges can be a major barrier to a young person’s success and happiness. However, therapy can be an effective tool for helping young people overcome these challenges and unlock their full potential. By providing coping mechanisms, a safe space for exploring emotions, and a sounding board for thoughts and feelings, therapy can help young people develop the skills and understanding they need to thrive. If you’re looking for ways to help a young person in your life, consider the many benefits of therapy.

What Do Child Counselors Do And Why Is It Important

May 18, 2021 • Kelly Montgomery

Many adults, when reflecting on their lives, wish they could return to their childhood. There is not much stress, anxiety, or worry. Playing is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about your childhood memories. You are free to live your life to the fullest, as long as your parents have an eye on you.

Yet, not all adults experienced a happy childhood. Some of them may have an existing identity, and existential problems brought about by their upbringing. Childhood is crucial in building self-identity and understanding yourself.


Evidence shows that early to middle childhood plays a vital role in child development. Children undergo significant physical and cognitive improvements from birth to the age of eight. This stage of early childhood is also crucial for language and socio-emotional growth. 

While from ages 6 to 12, a child will develop foundational skills necessary in building social relationships. Middle childhood is also the period where children learn essential roles for their transition to adolescence. 

Every kid deserves a promising future. Counseling can be beneficial in assisting them in having a stable childhood growth and development. Continue reading to learn more about what a child counselor can do and why their job is essential.

What Is A Child Counselor

A child counselor has a strong background in child psychology and development. They are experts in child therapy and counseling. Child counselors focus on young children, teens, and sometimes, adolescents who have mental problems. They also assist children who experienced trauma due to dysfunctional home setup. 

Child counselors have advanced expertise in guiding the child’s social and emotional growth. They ensure that your children can enjoy a healthy and productive life. Child counselors also assist children in better understanding themselves. As a result, they will be able to develop healthy decision-making skills in the future. Consulting with a child counselor may help in the following:

  • Recognizing and identifying signs and symptoms of mental illness
  • Assessing and determining delay in growth and development
  • Providing therapeutic tools and develop strategies to cope up with their mental problems
  • Addressing traumatic experiences, adjustment issues, and psychological distress


Being observant of your child’s behavior is also a crucial aspect of their growth and development. For instance, it is important to recognize when they are scared, angry, frustrated, or extremely happy. If you observed a dramatic change in their mood, attitude, and behavior, it is best to consult a child counselor. 

Signs Your Child May Need A Counselor

Some parents will wonder if their child needs counseling and therapy. As previously mentioned, they are beneficial in determining what is wrong with a child’s behavior. They can also develop a plan to address these mental problems. Regardless of the situation, it may be overwhelming for a parent or guardian to decide whether to seek help. Here are some signs that your child needs to see a counselor:

  • Engaging in defiant behaviors
  • Observable difficulties in speech and motor movements
  • Troubles in concentrating and finishing a task
  • Showing signs of hyperactivity
  • A maladaptive shift in habits or interests
  • Worrying excessively and having extreme sadness
  • Exhibiting regressive behaviors such as temper tantrums
  • Deliberately isolating themselves from everyone
  • Frequently discussing self-harm and death
  • Having frequent low grades and performance
  • Significant loss of appetite and/or having extreme loss of weight
  • Having recurrent upsetting dreams or nightmares
  • Leakage of urine
  • Engaging in substance or alcohol abuse
  • Hearing voices or seeing things that are not physically present
  • Repetitively and religiously performing routines such as hand-washing

Paying attention to your child’s behavior is extremely important. Seeing a child therapist will help you understand your child’s attitude and behavior. Visiting a child counselor may provide you insights into your child’s personality and behavior. They can provide methods and techniques to manage your child’s mental problems.

Why Child Counseling Is Important

As previously mentioned, children are susceptible to a variety of mental health issues. Academic and social pressures, as well as a dysfunctional upbringing, may affect them. Children may also experience bullying, poverty, and violence. All of these unsuitable childhood environments and experiences may lead to emotional and mental health problems.

Consequently, child counseling is essential to help children understand themselves. It can help them verbalize their feelings to communicate themselves better. Moreover, they may also develop the ability to understand other people’s feelings. Child counseling can also teach them how to manage their behaviors. This is necessary to improve their social skills to be able to form healthy relationships.


Moreover, child counseling can increase their self-esteem and confidence. It can help them develop a sense of identity characterized by their uniqueness. Seeking help from a child counselor may also increase their social competencies. It can improve their ability to view situations from another person’s perspective and learn from experiences. 

Some children may also have physical and cognitive impairments. They may show signs of mental, speech, and motor movement delays. Some children may also be hyperactive, have trouble concentrating, and engage in rebellious acts. Standard parenting can not be appropriate for their development and growth in this situation.

In this case, child counseling is also an opportunity to address their functional impairment. A child counselor can help them address the developmental delay. They can assist in providing treatment, including:

  • Speech-language therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Social skills training

A child counselor can assist your child with any difficulty, whether mental, cognitive, or physical. Observing your child’s actions is the first step.

Students And Professionals Career Counseling

May 17, 2021 • Kelly Montgomery

Career Counseling For The Career-Oriented Youngsters

Building and identifying which career they should pursue in college can be overwhelming for children growing up. With many career information resources, career exploration to do, options available, and an array of career interests, many children may have trouble figuring out how to begin choosing a profession in the first place. This is where counseling or career counseling sessions for professionals come in. Learn more about career counseling here.

career counseling for students and professionals


Understanding Career Counseling And How It Helps

Luckily, they can now get career counseling for development and knowledge. This form of counseling technique aims to help students and professionals make better-informed decisions about their professions. Career counseling experts help determine job and professional path uncertainty through an aptitude test and when students seek advice about the career they want.

Clarify Job Goals

From the start, the lifelong process of career counseling or career consultation works as a form of job or career evaluation. Career counseling lets your child be clear about their world of work plan or how they would like it to be after finishing their programs.  The counselor’s expertise will guide your child in setting short-term and long-term goals. Examples to achieve this include choosing which school to go to in college, what degree program to pursue, or what postgraduate studies might be appropriate as higher education in the life future.

Identify Strengths And Weaknesses

Experts will guide your child in the sense of setting short-term and long-term goals


Aside from providing a student or a child with career options in their professions, career counselors will have one-on-one conversations to help children recognize their concerns regarding strengths and weaknesses. An example of this is utilizing effective personality, psychology, educational tests, and worksheets that attest to a child’s capabilities is usually a part of professional consultation. If you still wonder if career counseling truly works, contacting alumni of this counseling program can attest and help you figure out its efficacy.

Job Counseling Brings Career Options

One of the main objectives of the career counseling process is to provide the bigger picture of your child’s future job prospects. Job consultation specialists in the field are willing to help your kids discover which jobs match their current skills and factors of abilities garnered from their subjects and coursework. If your children have long been interested in health sciences, job consultation professionals like career counseling experts can help them expound on which specific major degree will give them enough meaning and suit them in the long run and know what adds value more to their deciding moment.

Career Counseling Secures Future Jobs

Profession/career guidance does not stop until you get a degree. Even fresh graduates might need to do a job search with the advice of a personal career counselor to help with their job seeking. Since these career professionals are trained and well-versed in the various jobs and services available and in demand in the community, they can help your kids find a career that is profitable and enjoyable based on their degrees and abilities. You may expect your professional guidance advisor to help you determine what type of networking strategy your child can employ to develop and secure a slot in top companies and be short-listed for job vacancies with enough resources and time.

Career Counseling Specialists

Career Assessment Tools

With the convenience and ease of technology and online tools, professional guidance from career counselors has also taken it up a notch in its service delivery. Qualified career counselors now use various career counseling assessment tools to help clients match and target the best career program that will involve their present skills and interests. Exploring these tools for assessments primarily helps students know which field they excel in and can potentially be successful in the future.

Career Counselors Guide On College Admission Requirements

Through the help of a career counselor, your child can learn how to write appropriate CVs and more effective cover letters for college admission. Career counselors can also help your kids modify these resources to be more attractive and appropriate to their chosen institutions. Your child can also learn how to use various resources to plan their future education. Career guidance specialists are also the usual guide in placement assistance, in some cases, students.

Career Counselors Give Unbiased And Effective Support

Career counselors ensure that aside from giving your child the best career advice, career counselors will also get fair and unbiased support in their career development and personal growth. Being experts in work-related matters, career counselors can help your child understand the real world, which may be challenging inside the family or work setting. If your kid is currently enrolled in a course, career counseling can help your child see what lies ahead in his career. Developing a sense of confidence to attract future employers can bring much money.

Your child needs a career counselor who will constantly remind him or her about his or her career goals and dreams.

experts help your child understand the real world


Career Counselors Can Help

Consultation with career coaches before entering the university can help your child avoid feelings of unnecessary career change with their degree program. Choosing a new career path guidance expert to work with your child will play a huge role in career development. When choosing a counselor for your child, the career counselor’s role must have enough experience in dealing with children. It is important to take note of their credentials. Career counseling should be a good fit for your preferences, too.


Sand Tray Therapy

March 23, 2021 • Kelly Montgomery

Does your kid enjoy playing in the sand? It can be a type of therapeutic sand therapy.

therapy - Sand tray therapy


Do you want to learn about how sand is used in therapy? There are ways it can be used in therapy.

Having irrational worries about a serious illness is natural. However, if it becomes obsessive and disrupts your daily social function, you might be experiencing health anxiety, previously known as hypochondriasis or illness anxiety disorder. The condition can be associated with the person’s excessive exaggeration of the physical symptoms of the disease.

The person experiencing hypochondriasis might be overly concerned about the typical body sensations. The misinterpretation of body functions may result from different reasons. Some of the possible causes are extreme stress, anxiety disorders, and childhood trauma. It may also be rooted in other mental health issues, such as depression.

There are two categories of people with anxiety: care-seeking and care-avoidant. Care-seeking individuals tend to spend a lot of their time seeking medical advice. They tend to look for several treatments from multiple specialists. The latter avoid medical care because they don’t trust doctors to take their symptoms seriously.

Health anxiety commonly occurs in people in their early or middle adulthood. However, the children may also experience obsessive thoughts about their medical condition. Children, in particular, might express their emotions, their inner thoughts, and their negative feelings by playing with small toys and using the sand.

This sand tray therapy may be a helpful technique. Sand tray therapy is a therapeutic yet creative method using sand to release stress and express negative thoughts. During the sessions, sand tray therapy allows the participants to construct their situation and illustrate their present mood using the material. British pediatrician Margaret Lowenfeld developed this in 1921.

Sand tray therapy is a type of psychotherapy that is most commonly used with teens and adults. It is time-consuming. It may involve a tray filled with sand and acts from one’s life. The theory behind sand tray therapy is that it can be used as an example to help people understand their problems using common techniques.

This permits individuals to create their own ‘little world’ through various toys and different colors of the material. The situation created on the sand can be a reflection of the individual’s own life story and allows them to get rid of the challenges, resolve problems, and gain self-acceptance and confidence.

After studying psychodynamic psychology, Lowenfeld decided to utilize sand trays as a form of therapeutic technique. She focused on establishing sand tray and its integration into child psychotherapy in 1928.

Nowadays, there is an application of the humanistic strategy of this technique. The therapeutic approach focuses on the ability of the patients to find the answers or the solutions within themselves.  Allowing them to realize their problems could facilitate healthy behavioral change freely. If the clients are having difficulties in expressing themselves vocally, they can substitute it for traditional therapy methods.

Interested in sand tray therapy and the benefits it can provide your family? We’ve listed some of the frequently asked questions on sand tray therapy below.

Sand Tray Therapy Works

According to peer-reviewed studies, sand tray therapy is a multidimensional form of expressive therapy that is used to treat a wide variety of psychological issues using a specific certification. Sand tray therapy is being practiced by international associations and international societies with different theoretical orientations and common techniques. The sand tray therapists or sand play therapists work with the client to create a tray that represents their current life situation and emotional states. In sand tray therapy, the client is then free to explore the tray and find solutions to their problems amid their limited responses.

A professional starts by providing a child with a sandbox. The box typically contains trays of toys, figurines, and miniature figures objects. The child is generally free to play around with the tray as the professional watches from the sidelines. They study the recurrent symbolism of the overall organization of the items on the material. As the treatment progresses, the professionals may add or remove the toys from the box. They may also introduce new recreational activities using the material.

What is Sand Tray Therapy?

Sand tray therapy is a mix of play and art therapy. Sand tray therapy uses world-building exercises. Sand tray therapy helps the child process their unpleasant or traumatic experience. The humanistic approach focuses on providing a safe or protected space for creative expression instead of psychotherapy, which involves in-depth discussions.

What is the difference between tray therapy and play therapy?

In today’s world, many people find that focusing on their health is of utmost importance. Although both approaches use the same material for therapeutic purposes, they have defining differences. In sand tray therapy, a strong client-provider relationship is critical to facilitate the treatment. The patient has to open up to the professional or therapist while the provider actively supports their recovery.

On the other hand, sandplay professionals and therapists do not interfere with the patient while in their play world. Play therapy can help individuals who are not as comfortable or capable of verbal expression.

Sand tray therapy is a type of mental health treatment that uses sand pictures and miniature toys to help patients explore and express their inner world. Sand tray therapy is often used in conjunction with other forms of therapy, such as child psychology, to provide emotional release and help patients deal with traumatic experiences. During sand tray therapy, mental health professionals remain silent, allowing the patient to explore and express their emotions freely. Sand tray therapy can be a very powerful and cathartic experience for many people, providing them with much-needed emotional release.

Is Sand Tray Therapy Evidence-Based?

Yes. International association studies show that sand tray therapy is instrumental in helping children who have gone through trauma, abuse, and neglect. Although their experiences may differ, there are common threads in how the child victims express themselves through sand tray therapy. Allowing the children to create a world that reflects their lived experience enables the professional to gain insight into their mental state.

Through this, they can support the child’s recovery. Sand tray therapy content usually becomes more organized in the subsequent sessions. Results like these suggest progress in the patient’s recovery.

Sand Tray Therapy

The textile experience of handling can help the child’s physical development. As they shift items around during the sand tray therapy, it improves their muscle control and eye-hand coordination. More importantly, the open-ended nature of sand tray play encourages creativity and imagination.

How do you make a sand tray for sand tray therapy?

Although you can buy a pre-made sand tray, you can also try making your sand tray. You can use plywood sheets as the base for the sand tray and craft boards for the sides of the tray. Secure the tray using wood glue and nails before painting the structure. Once the paint has dried, add sand and figurines to the tray.

How do I become a certified sand tray therapy professional?

You would have to complete a minimum of 120 hours of education. The coursework will touch on critical areas in sandplay therapy. It will discuss the theoretical roots of techniques in handling complex trauma. You may also enroll in specific electives to deepen your knowledge in sand tray therapy.

therapeutic sand tray therapy


How does playing with sand help a child’s development?

Engaging in sensory activities builds neural connections supporting the child’s cognitive development. The sand also gives children the freedom to tap into their imagination and create without limitation. Sand play therapy can also promote their social skills. This sand play therapy teaches children to compromise, share resources, and negotiate when playing with a group.

What age is appropriate for play therapy?

Play therapy is appropriate for children aged 3 to 12 years old. Basically, it is for those who have yet to develop strong problem-solving and social skills. Although it is primarily for children, individuals of all ages can benefit from play therapy.

Why would a child need to play therapy?

If a child is experiencing developmental delays, play therapy can uncover the root of the issue. It is necessary to understand that children do not yet have fully developed cognitive capabilities. They are, however, able to make sense of the world mainly through play. Through this form of therapy, a provider attempts to look at how a child sees the world. Play therapy can also be for children exhibiting behavioral problems.

What is Jungian sand play therapy?

Sandplay therapy is a nonverbal therapeutic approach based on the work of Dora Kalff and Carl Jung. The person-in-therapy gets free rein to create an internal and symbolic world in a sand tray. Sandplay can provide a way to express the unconscious mind and help a patient recover from trauma.

Is play therapy evidence-based?

Studies show that playtime helps support a child’s physical and mental development. It can also help those who have gone through a traumatic experience. Play therapy allows children to communicate and resolve their psychological distress the best way they know how.

How does play therapy help a child?

Play therapy allows a healthcare provider to get to know a child through play. For instance, they may give a child a playhouse to gain insight into the family situation. Based on their analysis, a professional can provide the necessary support. Through this, they can help the child find the answers to their problems.

How is kinetic sand used in sand tray therapy?

In sand tray therapy, children can manipulate kinetic sand as they wish. It gives them a sense of control over their play environment. Research shows that the freedom to create and take down their creations helps them recognize their agency. Over time, sand tray therapy can contribute to their cognitive development. Additionally, kinetic sand is an excellent sensory play option because of its density. It is more moldable than beach sand.

Sand Tray Therapy Conclusion

Like any other mental health illness, having health anxiety can also negatively impact your professional and personal lives. Constantly worrying about the wrong diagnosis or even exaggerating your symptoms is mentally exhausting.


It is possible to develop health anxiety within the family. Having a family member who excessively worries about your health can lead to a poor understanding of yourself. Sometimes, it may also lead to looking for evidence to confirm a serious disease conveniently.

And this could not be more frightening for you. The family must take part in the healing process. Much like any other mental health condition, it is always better with a support system.

Undergoing therapy with your family can be emotionally demanding. If your children cannot verbally communicate with you as their parents, maybe it is time to consider other options like sand tray therapy.


When you conduct sand tray therapy, the child can express themselves creatively and freely. Sand tray therapy techniques can also help create scenes that reflect reality. Through sand tray therapy, it is easy to visualize how to eliminate the obstacles possibly.

In sand tray therapy, healing through play and imagination can take place in the child’s inner world. Sand tray therapy offers to facilitate the exchange of deeper thoughts and a better mind-body connection.  Then, sand tray therapy can lead to an open discussion of emotions, thoughts, and feelings through creative play. The family can connect on shared experiences as well as grow together.

The stigma of seeking talk therapy and having a mental health condition significantly affects treatment for most patients. In some cases, psychotherapy and medication are not enough to provide progressive results during the therapeutic process. Your sand play therapist, mental health professional, or local therapist can help you choose a suitable therapy world technique for your family in a safe environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Sand Tray Therapy?

Sand Tray Therapy, rooted in principles by Margaret Lowenfeld, utilizes sand trays and miniatures to help individuals express and process emotions, particularly useful for those who might struggle with talk therapy, such as the sexually abused.

What Is The Difference Between Sand Tray Therapy And Sand Play Therapy?

Sand Tray Therapy emphasizes narratives created in the sand, while sandplay therapy, developed by Dora Kalff, focuses on the unconscious and symbolic meanings, with sandplay therapists taking a non-directive approach.

How Is Kinetic Used In This?

The world technique introduces a kinetic element as individuals move and shape the sand and figures, facilitating a dynamic expression of inner feelings and conflicts in both Sand Tray and sand play.

What are some effective ways to introduce therapy using sand?

Introducing sand-based therapy techniques begins with creating a safe environment and possibly integrating initial talk therapy. Demonstrating the use of sand and figures, particularly using the world technique, allows individuals to understand and feel comfortable with the process.

What does burying mean in sand tray therapy?

What is the appropriate size of a sand play tray?

What is sand tray therapy indicated for?

How is burying done in sand therapy?

How does sand play help a child’s development?

Is a sandbox a sensory activity?

What are the sensory benefits of sand?

What are the benefits of children playing with sand?

What are the benefits of the sandbox?

What is the goal of the sandbox?

Frequently Asked Questions On Health Anxiety Forums

February 19, 2021 • Kelly Montgomery

Most people do not like to talk about their mental condition and wellness. Perhaps that is because they do not want to experience judgment and discrimination from others. Many still believe in mental state stigma, society’s negative attitude or stereotype toward people with mental soundness problems. This stigma can make people feel ashamed, isolated, and unworthy of respect or support. This lack of communication and support can worsen their situation and prevent them from seeking professional help or finding effective coping strategies.

Anxiety Makes Someone Lose Trust With People

Anxiety negatively impacts social interaction, causing negative thoughts, lack of trust, and feelings of inadequacy and misunderstanding. It leads to questioning social intentions and fearing harm or being taken for granted. Anxiety complicates mental struggles and can harm connections.

Anxiety Can Cause Extreme Loneliness

The fact that there is a constant fear of getting to know others and worry that being with others makes it impossible for someone to sit in a group. It becomes difficult for him to appreciate being surrounded by people who only want to get to know him better. Anxiety is a mental condition that causes extreme loneliness because an individual dealing with it often chooses to be alone to manage their anxious feelings. With the social pressure that this condition focuses on, it becomes impossible for someone to understand his thoughts and behavior or even get the support that he needs because he would not allow others to become part of the solution.

Anxiety Can Make Someone Feel Hopeless

The things about anxieties are that not everything about it is damaging. Scientific research says that a few encounters with this disorder can help stimulate the brain and encourage alertness. Unfortunately, when too many negative thoughts occur, the psychological impact and risks tend to differ. It makes an individual fear nothing, question unnecessary things, and overthink situations that do not make sense. When it becomes severe, anxiety can immediately escalate into a disorder that makes people feel hopeless. That stage often develops and causes other mental strains, such as severe stress and depression.

Anxiety Can Instantly Change A Person

One thing an individual can surely experience with anxiety is the changes it brings. Not only can it cause a different form of mental and emotional approach, but it can also make an individual change his thoughts and behavior instantly. One example of how it instantly affects a person includes the sudden fear of being surrounded by people and too many worries about changing decisions. It makes people feel worthless, incapable, and worst-case scenario, full of regrets.

As you can see, there is always a thin line when dealing with mental health issues. People often criticize others’ ability to connect with themselves and judge them for not coping. Unfortunately, those become why people with mental soundness issues keep their condition from everyone else and do not seek professional advice or help. But some people are brave enough to express their feelings and thoughts. These individuals are the ones who push themselves to get better. With that said, let us try and focus on understanding what this mental condition is all about and how it affects their lives.

Health Anxiety Forum

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some more frequently asked questions we can use as a guideline.

Can Health Anxiety Cause Physical Symptoms?

Unfortunately, yes. Most people with health anxieties often cannot function or enjoy life due to persistent and excessive fears and worries. They become preoccupied with minor physical abnormalities or physical sensations that somehow take away their mental focus.

Some physical symptoms of anxiety include rapid breathing, increased heart rate, nervousness, fatigue, sweating, restlessness, and troubled concentration.


Does Anyone Suffer From Health Anxiety?

Yes. Some people get excessively worried about their physical soundness. Health anxiety is a common condition that affects many people, and it occurs in early or middle adulthood. Usually, it worsens with age as it produces real physical symptoms such as stomachaches, headaches, and rapid heartbeat. It also shows signs of nervousness, muscle tension, tingling in the hands and feet, chest pressure, etc.

How Can People With Severe Anxiety Discover The Most Reliable Treatment Option That Can Help Them Overcome Their Condition?

The most reliable treatment for this condition is psychotherapy. One particular method is CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy. CBT aims to help individuals deal with overwhelming emotional and mental problems positively. It tends to break the issue into smaller parts to easily get a hold of what they must do and understand the situation.

Consulting with a therapist can also help you understand the possibility of getting medication to secure your mental condition needs.

How Long Can Health Anxiety Last?

Anxiety is helpful in some ways as it connects you more to a sensitive concern about the changes to your condition. However, if you are worried for at least six months or more, even though you are entirely healthy, the worry you might have can be a sign of something different. If your fears and worry get persistent, excessive, and extreme, it affects your day-to-day life; there is a huge possibility that it is already a mental condition problem.

Can Your Mind Create Physical Symptoms?

Carla Manley, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and author, once stated that people with mental illnesses could experience various physical symptoms. These include insomnia, body pain, muscle tension, headaches, and restlessness.

Is Googling Symptoms A Bad Idea?

Avoid self-diagnosing symptoms using internet information, as it can be harmful and mask potentially dangerous conditions. An online health anxiety forum without medical expertise or evidence can perpetuate misinformation and anxiety. Seek professional help for accurate diagnosis and treatment, especially for psychological well-being conditions. Medical professionals can administer tests to assess bodily complications.

Why Can’t I Stop Googling My Symptoms?

As much as possible, it would be best if you avoided over-Googling your symptoms. That is because of the two things that could happen. Either overestimate your mental condition symptoms, take the wrong medication, or engage in the wrong self-treatment. Yes, public information is helpful. However, not understanding your condition thoroughly can only worsen it. It could make you anxious, having no evidence or proof of the truth, leaving you extremely worried and might ignite panic at some point. You might be tempted to join an online forum and seek advice from others who claim to have similar symptoms, but this can be misleading and harmful.

How Can I Stop Worrying About My Medical Results?

Worrying about your medical result is quite normal. However, it would help if you did not allow your mind to assume the worse scenarios. Be more in control of your thoughts and feelings. It will help to focus on other things that can make you appreciate life to the fullest. Stick to your daily healthy routines and avoid overcrowding your mind with negative ideas. Keep yourself busy and limit the things you look up online, especially if it’s about medical symptoms.

How Do You Calm Down From Hypochondria?

Calming down hypochondria requires self-awareness. You should not shame and blame yourself for everything that is not going your way. Things can happen for many reasons, so you should not have to question your beliefs. If your worries are something you can no longer control, seek immediate help. Talk to a friend about what you feel. Try to learn the best coping strategies that suit your needs.

Two womean are standing side by side looking at a distance; the women in the striped shirt is supporting her friend who is having anxieties over her mental health.


What Do You Say To Someone With Health Anxiety?

Health anxiety is a serious state of mind and can affect a person’s daily function. Thus, you must understand the right words to help someone overcome a mental soundness problem. Always start with “Are you ok?” and “How can I help?” If those positive words warm the individual up, encourage him. Tell him, “I’m always here if you need to talk,” “Let’s sort through this together,” and “Your fears and worries are valid.”

Always be considerate of others’ feelings. It does not mean they are not suffering inside because they do not often show their emotions. Be careful with your actions and words, as these things cannot be taken back once said and done.

What Triggers Hypochondria?

The usual triggers of hypochondria include major life stress. It can also come from a history of abuse and trauma as a child, such as physical, sexual, verbal, and emotional. It can also originate from other chronic conditions, such as cancer or an unnecessary belief that something threatens one’s soundness.


Is Health Anxiety A Mental Illness?

Health anxiety was previously called Hypochondriasis or much better known as hypochondria. It was classified as a mental disorder due to its effect on the person’s emotional and mental state. However, the DSM, or the American Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, no longer include the condition.

What Is Severe Health Anxiety?

This condition, commonly called Hypochondriasis, is an excessive worry of possibly becoming seriously ill, like having a serious panic or heart attack. That is despite not having or experiencing any physical symptoms.

Is Health Anxiety Part Of OCD?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and Hypochondriasis or health anxiety have many similarities. With all areas of OCD, the underlying anxiety is considered the root of both conditions. However, the real problem is not the aspect of obsession but how individuals relate to the symptoms and respond to them.

How Do I Stop Worrying About Everything?

For you to be able to stop your mind from worrying too much, you should keep yourself busy. You can write your worries down and reflect on them. Accept that things don’t always go your way and that you must move on. Make time for yourself and practice mindfulness and meditation.

How Do I Stop My Health Anxiety?

Educate yourself with reliable information to manage this condition and challenge irrational thoughts. Limit seeking reassurance and focus on relaxation techniques for calmness. Maintain a fit lifestyle through exercise, a balanced diet, sleep, and stress management. Minimize exposure to triggers like excessive news consumption. Seek professional help if needed. Remember, overcoming anxiety takes time and patience.

Can Health Anxiety Cause Real Symptoms?

Anxiety can cause physical symptoms, known as somatic symptom disorder. Distress and heightened bodily awareness can lead to interpreting sensations as severe illnesses. Symptoms include headaches, muscle tension, digestive issues, chest pain, breathlessness, dizziness, and fatigue. Consult a healthcare professional for evaluation and support in managing somatic symptom disorder.

Does Health Anxiety Ever Go Away?

Health anxiety, a treatable mental health issue, can diminish with treatment and management. Duration and course vary, with some experiencing transient phases while others may have chronic conditions. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication can help manage symptoms. Seek professional help for a tailored treatment plan. With support, individuals can reduce anxiety and lead fulfilling lives.

Why Is My Anxiety About My Health So Bad?

Health anxiety intensity varies due to cognitive patterns, past experiences, lack of control, media exposure, and underlying psychological conditions. Seeking professional help is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment to manage and alleviate the impact of health anxiety.

How Do I Stop Googling Health Symptoms?

To reduce excessive Googling of symptoms, try these strategies: Set limits on your internet searches, and only conduct them at designated times. Stick to reputable sources for reliable information. Be mindful of your thoughts and emotions when the urge to Google arises. Challenge catastrophic thinking and focus on more balanced perspectives. Engage in alternative coping strategies like relaxation techniques or hobbies. Consult a healthcare professional for accurate medical advice instead of relying solely on the Internet. Consider cognitive-behavioral therapy to manage anxiety and modify negative thought patterns. Remember to be patient and seek professional support for healthy anxiety management.

Final Thoughts on Health Anxiety

It is important to stay alert and mindful of your mental health condition. If you think you may be struggling with severe anxiety, do not hesitate to seek immediate help. No matter the age, younger and older people can take treatment for their mental health condition. There is a lot of treatment, like counseling and therapy, that can assist you once you get diagnosed. Be open about your mental health situation and aim for recovery.

The Unseen Emotional And Mental Health Complications In Youngster Development

October 7, 2020 • Kelly Montgomery

In today’s generation, we now understand that disorders are one of the most significant contributing factors to youngsters’ development. It is where youngsters learn to value their surroundings, other people, as well as themselves. However, due to the fast-paced advancement, our youth seems to get too attached to life stressors. It is as if they know what they are dealing with every day, but they can’t process the need for balance and stability. Thus, almost all youngsters suffer from stress, generalized anxiety disorder, eating disorders or binge eating disorder, conditions like anorexia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and major depression in silence. Unfortunately, not everyone can notice the emotional and mental health problems in teens. So, let’s talk about what bugs them.

youth seems to get too attached more to life stressors


They Are Never Wrong Anymore

Technological advancement, mainly social media, has a lot to do with teens’ emotional and mental health problems as well as teenagers’ indecisive capabilities. We all can agree that it is a tool that allows everyone to speak their minds for what it is worth. However, its mental health impact on adolescents is a little bit out of control. They are now using social media platforms to voice out their opinions and prove themselves even if they do not have to. The internet becomes their number one ally that allows them to navigate reasoning for their chosen impolite words and risky or destructive behavior. Their unstoppable access to the internet makes them think they are invincible and will not suffer from warning signs of adolescent cognitive conditions. By some means, these teens managed to create a world they believe that convinces them they are never wrong with anything anymore.


Rules Do Not Apply Somehow

It would be a biased statement if we say that teenage rules do not apply nowadays. Perhaps there are still some teens out there who value restrictions and traditions for better emotional and mental health. These teens may be from a family of well-mannered individuals who taught them the fundamentals of life and social interaction. But sadly, these kids are the minority now. The majority of teenagers are currently audacious, dynamic, and outrageous. Which can make the rules disappear. The youths are now more focused on what other people say rather than what their inner-self is telling them, and it’s causing teens emotional and mental health problems. There is this dogma that once you are unpopular, you are a “nobody.” That is because teens nowadays crave too much approval, likes, and compliments, which is entirely unnecessary for a happy life.

Teens may be from a family of well-mannered individuals


It Is Hard For Them To Listen

According to disease control and World Health Organization experts, teens’ emotional and mental health problems in today’s era are that everyone wants to be heard. Still, none of them is willing to listen. Honestly, it impacts many teenagers’ overall health care development because it is right in the middle. Teens are now open about expression and public opinions. That is great, actually. But once you hand out a totally different view of their beliefs, these young people retaliate. They somehow look at the contradicting response as a grip that is attempting to hold them tightly. And they do not like that. The youths of this generation are now self-righteous, corrective, sensitive, and unpredictably unbelievable. They think that the world revolves around them now because they are the “youths.”


They Believe They Are Strong Enough

With all the stress in life that everyone is facing, teens become more overly confident about everything around them. Well, at some point, it could be a great thing because it allows positivity and it encourages a solid motivation to move forward. However, teens’ emotional and mental health problems with that overconfidence are the impact of a failed result. Most teens nowadays believe they are strong enough to handle everything and no longer need anyone’s help or a mental health services expert. They somehow managed to create a barrier that limits other people from reaching out to them, even if they desperately need assistance for their emotional and mental health problems. When it comes to anxiety and adolescents, it causes emotional and mental problems because, on a different side of the story, these children use their self-made barriers to blame people, saying that others do not find the initiative to help them. Often, they do not require health services because they believe that their health problems, whether it’s anxiety disorders, eating disorder, depression, or anything related to adolescent mental health, are only a part of young people’s daily experience.


Mental Health Is Neither A Big Deal Nor Not An Issue

The problem with teenagers of today is that they see youth mental health issues as a big deal for them, while others just do not care at all. The separate opinions lie with certain elements such as upbringing, environment, social connection, community involvement, and family dynamics. For those young adults who think that positive mental health is a significant factor in life, they are those who are sensitive and self-aware. These particular youths are knowledgeable about the cause and effect of mental and emotional trouble caused by triggers. May it be at home, school, social interaction, or anywhere that can cause adolescent mental health issues. However, not because there are young adults who do not take adolescent cognitive wellness seriously, that does not mean they do not understand it. Some of them are just preoccupied with thinking about anything related to life physical health, stressors, and self-harm, while some understand the need to encourage themselves to avoid getting involved with psychological illness, including post-traumatic stress disorder, major depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, and other cognitive conditions.

It is not always that people (friends, family, and parents) understand what every teen is going through with their adolescent mental problems. They might seem to look strong on the outside, but most of them are crying on the inside. That is why it is essentially necessary to seek health professional advice and or consult mental health services.


What Are Some Examples Of Mental And Emotional Problems In Teens?

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Stress And Anxiety In Handling An Unhealthy Family Relationship

July 20, 2020 • Kelly Montgomery

Sometimes, it is not easy to become part of an unhealthy relationship within the family. There are these moments that can make you feel mentally and emotionally unstable. There are these times when you have to ensure and prove to yourself that you will give your best no matter what. And that means you are not allowed to fail, especially when everyone is counting on you. But what if your coping mechanisms are more damaging than helpful? What if your way of caring for yourself can cause extreme damage to other people’s emotional and mental states? Would you rather put yourself and your family’s overall health at stake only to get away with your stress and anxiety? Let’s talk about that.


Unhealthy Relationship

An unhealthy family relationship has something to do with being in a state of stress and anxiety. Sometimes, you get so fed up with your family that you somehow wish you are not part of them. Sometimes you fail to convince yourself that it is okay since that is family. As a result, you make decisions that are not entirely helpful for you and your family relationship. Some of these are the following:

You Always Keep Yourself Busy So You Won’t Have To Spend Time With Your Family

It is like telling yourself that the more you work on other stuff, the more you can avoid dealing with your family’s stressful issues. It is an action that puts you in a safe position at some point. However, its drawbacks when you and your family start to experience the gap of the relationship. Sooner or later, you will come to an end where you can’t find enough reason to care for them anymore, one where even a meaningful conversation won’t change a thing.


You Isolate Yourself So You Will Not Have To Deal With Your Dysfunctional Family

It could be a great excuse to isolate yourself from the people around you who you thought can be toxic. It gives you time to think about everything that has been going on with your life and relationship. However, isolation is dangerous because it tends to stay permanent. There is a possibility that when you are emotionally and mentally unstable, you will get stuck on it.

You Do Not Trust Any Members Of Your Family Because You Think They Do The Same

An unhealthy relationship between family members often starts when someone doubts. You put a blame card onto someone so she or he can become accountable for negative things that are happening around you. You believe that it is okay to do that because your family also thinks of you that way. There is this mentality that because they do not trust you, you should not trust them either. As a result, you grow apart from each other. Over time, it gets worst as you tend to ignore them.


You Talk Bad Things About Your Family Behind Their Back

Because you want to keep your sanity, there are moments when you encourage yourself that your family relationship has nothing to do with you. In some cases, you put all the blame on them to keep a clean slate. But to convince others, you need to come up with something that other people will agree with you. That is when you begin to talk about bad things about your family behind their back. Unfortunately, it is common for some individuals who suffer from toxic family’s stress and anxiety.

You Never Reach Out To Your Family Even If You Had The Chance

One of the worst things that can describe an unhealthy family is a lack of communication. However, it contains a lot of factors before one can consider it a cause. Sometimes, due to all the unwanted stress and anxiety, you would instead choose not to reach out to family members. You somehow feel that things will never change even if you exert an effort to fix things between you and your family.


You Cut Ties With Your Family Permanently Without Explaining Your Reasons

When dealing with a stressful family, you get used to the advice of throwing them out of your life. Perhaps in some instances, you find it simple and easy to do. However, it is not fair that you leave your family out of your life just because they cause you stress and anxiety. Yes, there will be bad times in the relationship, and that is normal. But if you choose to let go of them just because you feel like it, then you are unreasonable. If you entirely want to execute that decision, ensure that you provide a valid reason.

Remember, every individual deals with their family stress differently. These may work to some, but it does not guarantee to be useful for others. So when dealing with your family, always remember to be considerate, compassionate, and understanding all the time.