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Month: May 2021

What Do Child Counselors Do And Why Is It Important

May 18, 2021 • Kelly Montgomery

Many adults, when reflecting on their lives, wish they could return to their childhood. There is not much stress, anxiety, or worry. Playing is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about your childhood memories. You are free to live your life to the fullest, as long as your parents have an eye on you.

Yet, not all adults experienced a happy childhood. Some of them may have an existing identity, and existential problems brought about by their upbringing. Childhood is crucial in building self-identity and understanding yourself.


Evidence shows that early to middle childhood plays a vital role in child development. Children undergo significant physical and cognitive improvements from birth to the age of eight. This stage of early childhood is also crucial for language and socio-emotional growth. 

While from ages 6 to 12, a child will develop foundational skills necessary in building social relationships. Middle childhood is also the period where children learn essential roles for their transition to adolescence. 

Every kid deserves a promising future. Counseling can be beneficial in assisting them in having a stable childhood growth and development. Continue reading to learn more about what a child counselor can do and why their job is essential.

What Is A Child Counselor

A child counselor has a strong background in child psychology and development. They are experts in child therapy and counseling. Child counselors focus on young children, teens, and sometimes, adolescents who have mental problems. They also assist children who experienced trauma due to dysfunctional home setup. 

Child counselors have advanced expertise in guiding the child’s social and emotional growth. They ensure that your children can enjoy a healthy and productive life. Child counselors also assist children in better understanding themselves. As a result, they will be able to develop healthy decision-making skills in the future. Consulting with a child counselor may help in the following:

  • Recognizing and identifying signs and symptoms of mental illness
  • Assessing and determining delay in growth and development
  • Providing therapeutic tools and develop strategies to cope up with their mental problems
  • Addressing traumatic experiences, adjustment issues, and psychological distress


Being observant of your child’s behavior is also a crucial aspect of their growth and development. For instance, it is important to recognize when they are scared, angry, frustrated, or extremely happy. If you observed a dramatic change in their mood, attitude, and behavior, it is best to consult a child counselor. 

Signs Your Child May Need A Counselor

Some parents will wonder if their child needs counseling and therapy. As previously mentioned, they are beneficial in determining what is wrong with a child’s behavior. They can also develop a plan to address these mental problems. Regardless of the situation, it may be overwhelming for a parent or guardian to decide whether to seek help. Here are some signs that your child needs to see a counselor:

  • Engaging in defiant behaviors
  • Observable difficulties in speech and motor movements
  • Troubles in concentrating and finishing a task
  • Showing signs of hyperactivity
  • A maladaptive shift in habits or interests
  • Worrying excessively and having extreme sadness
  • Exhibiting regressive behaviors such as temper tantrums
  • Deliberately isolating themselves from everyone
  • Frequently discussing self-harm and death
  • Having frequent low grades and performance
  • Significant loss of appetite and/or having extreme loss of weight
  • Having recurrent upsetting dreams or nightmares
  • Leakage of urine
  • Engaging in substance or alcohol abuse
  • Hearing voices or seeing things that are not physically present
  • Repetitively and religiously performing routines such as hand-washing

Paying attention to your child’s behavior is extremely important. Seeing a child therapist will help you understand your child’s attitude and behavior. Visiting a child counselor may provide you insights into your child’s personality and behavior. They can provide methods and techniques to manage your child’s mental problems.

Why Child Counseling Is Important

As previously mentioned, children are susceptible to a variety of mental health issues. Academic and social pressures, as well as a dysfunctional upbringing, may affect them. Children may also experience bullying, poverty, and violence. All of these unsuitable childhood environments and experiences may lead to emotional and mental health problems.

Consequently, child counseling is essential to help children understand themselves. It can help them verbalize their feelings to communicate themselves better. Moreover, they may also develop the ability to understand other people’s feelings. Child counseling can also teach them how to manage their behaviors. This is necessary to improve their social skills to be able to form healthy relationships.


Moreover, child counseling can increase their self-esteem and confidence. It can help them develop a sense of identity characterized by their uniqueness. Seeking help from a child counselor may also increase their social competencies. It can improve their ability to view situations from another person’s perspective and learn from experiences. 

Some children may also have physical and cognitive impairments. They may show signs of mental, speech, and motor movement delays. Some children may also be hyperactive, have trouble concentrating, and engage in rebellious acts. Standard parenting can not be appropriate for their development and growth in this situation.

In this case, child counseling is also an opportunity to address their functional impairment. A child counselor can help them address the developmental delay. They can assist in providing treatment, including:

  • Speech-language therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Social skills training

A child counselor can assist your child with any difficulty, whether mental, cognitive, or physical. Observing your child’s actions is the first step.

Categories: Family Support

Students And Professionals Career Counseling

May 17, 2021 • Kelly Montgomery

Career Counseling For The Career-Oriented Youngsters

Building and identifying which career they should pursue in college can be overwhelming for children growing up. With many career information resources, career exploration to do, options available, and an array of career interests, many children may have trouble figuring out how to begin choosing a profession in the first place. This is where counseling or career counseling sessions for professionals come in. Learn more about career counseling here.

career counseling for students and professionals


Understanding Career Counseling And How It Helps

Luckily, they can now get career counseling for development and knowledge. This form of counseling technique aims to help students and professionals make better-informed decisions about their professions. Career counseling experts help determine job and professional path uncertainty through an aptitude test and when students seek advice about the career they want.

Clarify Job Goals

From the start, the lifelong process of career counseling or career consultation works as a form of job or career evaluation. Career counseling lets your child be clear about their world of work plan or how they would like it to be after finishing their programs.  The counselor’s expertise will guide your child in setting short-term and long-term goals. Examples to achieve this include choosing which school to go to in college, what degree program to pursue, or what postgraduate studies might be appropriate as higher education in the life future.

Identify Strengths And Weaknesses

Experts will guide your child in the sense of setting short-term and long-term goals


Aside from providing a student or a child with career options in their professions, career counselors will have one-on-one conversations to help children recognize their concerns regarding strengths and weaknesses. An example of this is utilizing effective personality, psychology, educational tests, and worksheets that attest to a child’s capabilities is usually a part of professional consultation. If you still wonder if career counseling truly works, contacting alumni of this counseling program can attest and help you figure out its efficacy.

Job Counseling Brings Career Options

One of the main objectives of the career counseling process is to provide the bigger picture of your child’s future job prospects. Job consultation specialists in the field are willing to help your kids discover which jobs match their current skills and factors of abilities garnered from their subjects and coursework. If your children have long been interested in health sciences, job consultation professionals like career counseling experts can help them expound on which specific major degree will give them enough meaning and suit them in the long run and know what adds value more to their deciding moment.

Career Counseling Secures Future Jobs

Profession/career guidance does not stop until you get a degree. Even fresh graduates might need to do a job search with the advice of a personal career counselor to help with their job seeking. Since these career professionals are trained and well-versed in the various jobs and services available and in demand in the community, they can help your kids find a career that is profitable and enjoyable based on their degrees and abilities. You may expect your professional guidance advisor to help you determine what type of networking strategy your child can employ to develop and secure a slot in top companies and be short-listed for job vacancies with enough resources and time.

Career Counseling Specialists

Career Assessment Tools

With the convenience and ease of technology and online tools, professional guidance from career counselors has also taken it up a notch in its service delivery. Qualified career counselors now use various career counseling assessment tools to help clients match and target the best career program that will involve their present skills and interests. Exploring these tools for assessments primarily helps students know which field they excel in and can potentially be successful in the future.

Career Counselors Guide On College Admission Requirements

Through the help of a career counselor, your child can learn how to write appropriate CVs and more effective cover letters for college admission. Career counselors can also help your kids modify these resources to be more attractive and appropriate to their chosen institutions. Your child can also learn how to use various resources to plan their future education. Career guidance specialists are also the usual guide in placement assistance, in some cases, students.

Career Counselors Give Unbiased And Effective Support

Career counselors ensure that aside from giving your child the best career advice, career counselors will also get fair and unbiased support in their career development and personal growth. Being experts in work-related matters, career counselors can help your child understand the real world, which may be challenging inside the family or work setting. If your kid is currently enrolled in a course, career counseling can help your child see what lies ahead in his career. Developing a sense of confidence to attract future employers can bring much money.

Your child needs a career counselor who will constantly remind him or her about his or her career goals and dreams.

experts help your child understand the real world


Career Counselors Can Help

Consultation with career coaches before entering the university can help your child avoid feelings of unnecessary career change with their degree program. Choosing a new career path guidance expert to work with your child will play a huge role in career development. When choosing a counselor for your child, the career counselor’s role must have enough experience in dealing with children. It is important to take note of their credentials. Career counseling should be a good fit for your preferences, too.


Categories: Family Support