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Tips On Helping A Spouse Deal With Alcoholism

January 17, 2020 • Kelly Montgomery

Are you aware that many people consider addiction as a regular occurrence in their lives? These individuals believe that being addicted to something is only typical. Because of this, they fail to see the adverse effects that addiction brings.


First of all, it is essential to emphasize that it is a mental health condition that must be taken seriously. People must avoid using the word loosely. As such, only doctors are allowed to give a diagnosis of a person’s health status. They are the only ones who are allowed to determine whether an individual is suffering from addiction.

There are several symptoms of addiction. However, just because the signs are present does not mean that a person is already addicted. It is still best to talk or consult with a health practitioner who can look closely into such matters. After conducting a series of tests, the examining doctor would then release a medical finding. This is where the person concerned will find out whether he has an addiction or not.

There are many forms of addiction, one of which is alcoholism. A person who has this mental condition is considered independent of alcoholic beverages. Take note that not everyone who drinks regularly is regarded as an alcoholic. If you find out that your husband has this problem, be sure to follow these things:


  1. Learn More About Alcohol Addiction. The best approach to this marital issue is to educate yourself first about the condition. As much as possible, try to find out more facts or information about addiction.  “The first step is to learn as much as you can about alcoholism and codependency,” Darlene Lancer, JD, LMFT wrote. She emphasizes how important it is to reach for help in tackling alcoholism in the family. “Many of the things people do to help an addict or alcoholic are counterproductive and actually can make things worse.” Do not simply rely on what you read on the news or see on websites. Feel free to approach a medical doctor who could shed some light on what alcohol addiction means.


  1. Do Not Be Too Hard On Your Spouse. What your husband needs right now is your support. You cannot expect him to change overnight, especially if you keep on nagging or blaming him for his condition. The more you do this, the farther you are driving him away from you. Moreover, it will only make him resist changing for the better. “The first goal of treatment is to help people find their own motivation to make the changes needed,” says David Sack, M.D. “The commitment to change is not an all-or-nothing process.”


  1. Talk To Him Properly. It is human nature for a person to act differently whenever someone tries to point out that he is doing something wrong. This is why you would notice that your husband does not want to discuss his alcohol problems. Fortunately, there is still a way on how you could talk to him about it. “The notion that people are powerless over the focus of their addiction is also terribly demoralizing,” says Lance Dodes, M.D., former psychiatry professor at Harvard Medical School. “Addictions are neither more nor less than compulsions, psychological behaviors most people have to some degree.”


Be sure to find the right timing to do it. Once you have the perfect opportunity for a conversation, always put in mind that it is imperative for you to use non-offensive words or sentences. Otherwise, he will drive you away.

Dealing with an alcoholic husband is not going to be easy, especially if the other person does not want to change his bad habits. What you need to do is to be strong for him. Do not stop finding ways on how to make him quit for good. The process may be tiring, but it will be worth it in the end.

Categories: Family Support