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Why Do Students Who Work Are Most Likely To Succeed In Life?

December 6, 2019 • Kelly Montgomery


Some teens are not born with a silver spoon in their mouth. They have to make a living at an early age to sustain their needs, to go to school, or help their parents with family expenses. Some have many younger siblings that they need to support that’s why they are forced to work while studying.

Yes, you’ll have sympathy for this kind of student. He should be out with his friends, exploring the world, meeting new friends, making something out of himself, but instead, he faces a responsibility that should have been in the future.

If you look at it with positivity though, there are a lot of advantages with students being able to work at a young age. They have a higher chance of succeeding in life than those who haven’t learned the meaning of hard work.


Benefits Of Having A Part-Time Job While Studying:


  1. Students who work part-time have the advantage of being able to use their time wisely and productively. They have less time to think about getting involved in negligent acts such as drinking, substance abuse, and premarital sex. “Good time management skills predict good use of time off,” writes Wendy L. Patrick, JD, Ph.D. 


  1. They learn how to be responsible and that their choices and actions are crucial in achieving good results like working hard to be able to study and help out parents. They know that they can do something worthwhile that could benefit not just them but the people they love. “There is deep liberation and joy that comes from a mindset where taking responsibility is not a chore but an opportunity,” writes Zoe Weil M.A., M.T.S


  1. They learn discipline. Students who work part-time have a lot of restraint to do something that they know would be harmful or unproductive. They can develop a sense of maturity that they act based on what they want and don’t want to happen. “I think of discipline as the ability to expend energy toward a goal on a consistent, repetitive basis. Every single one of us has the capacity to do this, no matter how lazy we may think we are,” writes Alex Lickerman M.D.


  1. They learn the meaning and value of hard work. Students who work at a young age know the importance of time and effort. They are aware that dedication is essential to completing a task, and they are aware that hard work will eventually pay off.


  1. They learn to be compassionate to others especially those who have less and who need to work to sustain the needs of the family. They are aware of the sacrifices of a person working that’s why they are less rude and mean to those serving. They are less likely to be rude to waiters, cashiers, janitors, and other workers because they know their feelings and sentiments.


  1. They are more appreciative of their parents compared to those who are well provided. Students who were born from a well-off family are often unappreciative. They feel like money makes them entitled. They don’t know the real value of hard work because they did not work for what they’re spending. They would often spend on unimportant things because they have no regard for the real value of money.


  1. They learn gratitude and acknowledge every good and value every blessing. Working students know the importance of a single penny and the price of their time. Working students would most likely have more value for money because they have worked for it. They would spend carefully, having a budget for all and only for necessary Same goes for their time. They would use it wisely because they know that some are not privileged enough to just sit around.


  1. They are more goal-oriented. Students who work have started to aim for something at an early age, so they are most likely determined to move forward. They wouldn’t want to stay where they are and are more determined to do better in life.


  1. They are well trained and skilled. Working students have mastered a task or skill at a young age that’s why they may be more advanced than those who are yet to work. They have practiced all the required mindset and attitude towards hard work.


  1. Students who are working tend to have more self-esteem and self-confidence. They are good at decision making because they know how important each choice is. They take pride in supporting themselves and being able to help the family. They have probably learned how to get to their goal that’s why they are less likely to be confused.



Working early in life can have a lot of advantages because all the essential ingredients are learned and experienced already. A working student would also have less time to waste on unimportant things and would have less interest in making lousy decisions. He knows his goal and how to get there. He is aware of the things he needs to avoid and the things he should do.

Students who work are most likely to succeed in life because they know the value and importance of their actions. They know that success is consequential to their choices in life, and they learn these things at a very young age.


Categories: Community Issues