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Category: Family Support

No! You Did Not Just Bully My Kid

January 16, 2017 • Kelly Montgomery

[Identifying Reasons For Bullying]

Bullying is one of the most prevalent issues of adolescents all across America. It is a serious matter that parents should deal withfull attention. Many of us, even celebrities, admitted to being bullied when we were young. If you have a child, have you asked yourself if your child is doing okay in school? Is he not being bullied, or is he not causing any harm to anyone?

“Bullying may inflict physical, psychological, social or educational harm on a victim,” said Dorothy Espalage, PhD. “Behaviors include verbal and physical aggression that ranges in severity from making threats, spreading rumors and social exclusion, to physical attacks causing injury,” she added.


We may have heard about bullying from all forms of media. It has been a topic recently as one of the causes of teenage suicides. And you might have reacted, “How come the parents of this kid never noticed that he needed help? How evil the parents of these insolent kids can be!” You might have asked yourself these two questions when you heard stories about bullying causing tragic incidents.

As parents, it is our responsibility to ascertain the welfare of our children. At the same time, we must make sure they are well-mannered as not to impose any damage or harm to other people.

Sometimes, it’s hard to comprehend how these supposedly innocent beings can cause severe pain to their fellow kid.



Reasons Why Some Kids Are Ill-Mannered:



  1. They Are Abused At Home

It can be physical or emotional abuse. These are two significant elements in making up our overall health. Imagine how pain can physically and emotionally impair our judgment as adults. That’s double when it comes to kids. They are clueless about how to deal with this confusion, and they don’t have anyone else to turn to but their fellow kid who ismost likely fragile and powerless. They wouldn’t take on someone they don’t think they can handle.

“Parents are very powerful role models, and children will mimic the behavior of parents, wanting to be like them,” said Nerissa Bauer, MD. She added, “When parents engage in violence, children may assume violence is the right way to do things.”


  1. They Lack Discipline

Kids whose parents are busy and careless of their behavior are more likely to become bullies. When parents don’t pay close attention to their kids and are too occupied with their jobs, they tend to pamper their kids with material things and unnecessary praise and rewards. It causes them to gain too much self-confidence, too much that they will feel entitled to everything, even hurting just anybody and getting away with it.


  1. They Are Addicted To Violent Videogames

Most of the videogames nowadays revolve in the context of being the best by inflicting violence towards your opponent. The faster and tougher you are in defeating your enemy, the cooler you are. And given their fragile minds, this kind of mentality is adopted by kids to their real life. The meaner they are, the cooler their fellow kids will think of them.

Roanna Cooper, MA, and Marc Zimmerman, PhD, wrote, “Although playing violent video games may not necessarily determine violent or aggressive behavior, it may increase precursors to violent behavior.” They added, “Violent video games may be related to bullying, which researchers have found to be a risk factor for more serious violent behavior.”




“No, you did not just bully my kid!” For sure, this has come to your mind twice or more, thinking what you could and would do if someone bullies your kid. But have you asked yourself what if your kid is the one bullying? What would you do?

The role of parents is crucial in developing the values and morals of the youth. They are indeed our future, and it is our obligation to the community to shape our children into responsible human beings, thus shaping the future of our next generation.

Categories: Family Support