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Month: October 2019

E-cigarette iIs Just Another Teenage Vice That Shouldn’t Normalize

October 25, 2019 • Kelly Montgomery


Anything that has to do with smoke is uncool.

What Are E-Cigarettes?

Electronic cigarettes, or what are commonly known as e-cigarettes, are small cigarette-like, devices that run on batteries. E-cigarettes are somehow designed to resemble an actual cigarette, but they’re fancier and are equipped with a chamber where the liquid used for vaporizing is placed.

According to reports, there is a significant rise in the number of teens who are using e-cigarettes. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has previously stated that at least 20% of students, mostly in high school, have used e-cigarettes.

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Categories: Community Issues

Fundamental Rules In Handling Bad-Mannered Teens

October 18, 2019 • Kelly Montgomery


Witnessing and hearing news about teens berating and bullying helpless people without any sign of guilt or remorse is disheartening. This goes to show that this pervasive and atrocious behavior, which creates disrespectful and rude teens, has indulged its way into this generation and is somehow getting worse.

With the increasing number of kids who parade ill behavior, how can you, as parents, save them from becoming another person’s antagonist?

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Categories: Family Support

The Pornography Talk: Uncomfortable But Necessary

October 11, 2019 • Kelly Montgomery


Confronting your teens about pornography is as hard as talking about where babies come from or how they are conceived. With the massive availability of online adult content coupled with the fact that teenagers, mostly those who are between the ages of 12 until 18, are intensely curious, parents are eventually bound to have the dreadful and uncomfortable “porn talk” with their kids.

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Categories: Family Support